Reporting SteamID: 76561198162022967

Heute hab ich wieder einen Cheater mit Wallhack im Matchmaking gehabt, dieser wurde gerade per Report Bot 11 mal reported, ich denke morgen sollte er von Overwatch ausgeschlossen sein.

Steam Account Infos:
1 – [STEAM ID 64] : 76561198162022967
4 – [CSGO GOTV DEMO LINK] : steam://rungame/730/76561202255233023/+csgo_download_match%20CSGO-iejMO-PXBp2-YqFGR-GT8LA-id5yD

Report bot Ausgabe von
Using file: acc7.txt
Reporting without MatchID...
Reporting SteamID: 76561198162022967
Starting Accounts...
[ - (1)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811450405945445 sent!
[ - (2)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811450405945497 sent!
[ - (3)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811450405945704 sent!
[ - (4)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811450405945713 sent!
[ - (5)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811452553429013 sent!
[ - (6)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811452553429016 sent!
[ - (7)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811452553429001 sent!
[ - (8)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811452553429047 sent!
[ - (9)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811452553429067 sent!
[ - (10)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811452553429044 sent!
[ - (11)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202811452553429101 sent!

11 Reports for this faggot.
Thanks for using this Service!

Matchmaking Screenshot:

2 Gedanken zu „Reporting SteamID: 76561198162022967

  1. Schade, in dem Fall ist er wohl so davon gekommen, obwohl das keineswegs legit aussieht, jeder der ein wenig Ahnung hat weiß das es ein Wallhack war.

  2. Ich hab Ihn jetzt nochmal reported, da er scheinbar immer noch nicht in Overwtach war.

    Using file: acc12.txt
    Using MatchID: CSGO-iejMO-PXBp2-YqFGR-GT8LA-id5yD
    Converted MatchID: 3202807943565148221
    Reporting SteamID: 76561198162022967
    Starting Accounts...
    [ - (1)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980133099012232 sent!
    [ - (2)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980133099012233 sent!
    [ - (3)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495757 sent!
    [ - (4)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495801 sent!
    [ - (5)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495810 sent!
    [ - (6)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495803 sent!
    [ - (7)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495832 sent!
    [ - (8)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495844 sent!
    [ - (9)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495839 sent!
    [ - (10)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495828 sent!
    [ - (11)] Report with confirmation ID: 3202980135246495895 sent!

    11 Reports for this faggot.
    Thanks for using this Service!

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